Monday, November 01, 2010


Well, it's been a fun few months adjusting to being outnumbered by children...I'm still trying to get the hang of it. Elijah started kindergarten this year, he was very excited! He's been asking for over a year if he could go to school and he loves it...hopefully it stays that way for a while. His teacher was very impressed that he could read already so she has him help the other kids at school. He's really excited about learning new things and likes to read signs whenever he can. Ephraim has also enjoyed Elijah being in school, haha. There's no fighting for a few hours of the day...that is until Enoch gets old enough to fight with, so I'm enjoying it while I can. Enoch is getting big fast, and is finally starting to sleep better at night! He's been smiling and cooing a lot more, I love when they start to do that. :) We had a fun Halloween, Elijah really enjoyed it this year. Last year he wouldn't wear his Spiderman mask but this time he put it right on and ran around the house shooting invisible webs. Ephraim wasn't as enthusiastic but he did like his costume, although you can't tell from the pictures, little stinker. Since Josh was at work I handled the kids (haha) by myself at the ward party and we had a picture taken together at a little photo booth they had set up, so hopefully I'll get that soon. Hope everyone had a great Halloween! Til next time!

Halloween is here!!

My little superheroes!

This is what it looks like when I'm yelling at my other two kids to get out of the road before they get run over...but you can see my lovely mustache artwork when I'm not smiling so...

The chef and lobster combo was a hit this year, we got 5th place at our ward party. :) I was a bit sad that I didn't have a pot big enough to put him in, it would have made it much funnier. Thanks Mama for sending the chef's hat up to me!

Back to work!

Our company was kind enough to let me do some work from home for a couple hours a this is what goes on while I'm sitting at the sits in the bouncy chair for a little while.

Ephraim plays with the dog...

...and the dog looks like she's doing something wrong, look at the horror in her eyes. :)

Usually Enoch is really happy after getting a bath, so I wanted to try and catch it. :) Here's a little video clip of him:

In October...

Sound asleep...

Good morning sunshine!

I was trying to get a good picture of the 4 of us...but apparently I only have one photogenic son. :(

Guess I shouldn't take pictures at bedtime, haha.

In September...

Oh rub a dub dub, three boys in a tub.

In the last few weeks, Enoch has started to smile! I love this makes all the crying and fussing worth it. :)

Some day to day things...

The boys and I.

Ephraim has spotted something...

It's a grasshopper!

Enoch enjoying the outdoors!

I see you? He's so skinny he's almost invisible behind that pole!

Enoch was taking a nap on our bed and Ephraim crawled up and fell asleep beside him. I thought it was really cute!

Enoch's blessing

Enoch in Josh's baby blessing outfit...minus the bonnet, we think it looks a little girly...:)

I thought it would be nice to have mama take a couple pictures of all of us since we don't get that done very often.

It was so nice to have family here for the blessing!

Elijah's 1st day of school!

The first day of school! Elijah was so excited to go!

My little boy is getting so big!